JLL Office Poland VR

by QuickMobile


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Every day JLL supports companies in their office choices. Our group of real estate advisors helps clients in identifying their needs from finding the best locations, negotiating lease agreements, and developing workplace strategies, to design, project management, building consultancy and green solutions. Now it's time for us to present our unique office space that we arranged ourselves from the very beginning to the end. Take a virtual walk around JLL Poland's headquarters in Warsaw and see what kinds of solutions and qualities we can offer you. So check out what we did, experience our vision and decide what you want for your ideal office space.
JLL Office Poland VR is a new way of introducing the modern office concept to a wider audience.
It gives you access to:• Virtual walk in JLL Poland's new headquarters• Workplace and design concepts• Office Solutions implemented by JLL• A selection of services that JLL offers to help you find, lease, design and build your own unique office space